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This is a chat room for GW fans. I made this Chat Room for all of the people who would like a GW-oriented Chat Room. I ask that you please refrain from the use of profanity, and insulting each other. If this page is taking a while to load, please wait and be patient, it sometimes takes a couple of minutes. If you like this chat room and/or would like your name put on a list of regular users, drop me a line at the e-mail address listed below. Please list your name (nickname or real name, or both), and anything else you want listed. Thank you!

LE FastCounter

Please do not worry if there is nobody here when you log on, it happens on EVERY chat room, unless you schedule a chat session (e-mail me with any ideas on this or times you'd like to "host" a session and I'll put the date and time up on this page).
(E-mail address is below.)

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