Blood for the Blood God!

by Mark Gilmour

The firing ceased and smoke filled the air. Had all the Chaos worshippers been killed in the fire fight? Luitenant Nash held his hand outwards, ordering his men to keep silent. He listened and heard nothing but a deathly silence. Too quiet for his liking.

"Private John," the luitenant whispered. A young burly man with blonde hair crept out from behind some rubble and waited to recieve orders. The soldiers uniform was muddy and torn, a result of sleeping in muddy trenches.
"Private John," the luitenant whispered in a rather persuasive manner,"Check the terrain ahead for rebels." The guardsman merely nodded and ventured onto the battlefield with a semi crouched stance and with his las-gun at the ready. His breathing was getting heavier by the second. He noticed bodies, most of them belonged to Chaos worshippers and Chaos marines. Even dead, the Chaos Marines looked intimidating.

The guardsman had only taken his mind of his duties for a fraction of a second when a chaos marine appeared from behind some tank wreckage and splattered John's entrails across the battlefield with deadly fire from his bolt gun.

"FIRE!!!" hollered the luitenant. The marine was hit with an astonishing amount of las-fire and was torn apart.

"Advance!" Nash ordered raising his chainsword in the air. The luitenant was a dark man and had a scar on his face. It had been inflicted during battle by a champion of Khorne. Nash would have died that day if he hadn't been aided by his las-cannon weapon team.

As they walked across the scene of the recent battle, the guardsmen noticed privat John's body, dismembered beyond recognition.

The guardsmen reached a sand bag wall took cover. The luitenant had decided to take some time to evaluate the situation. The detonation of shells and the clatter of bullets could be heard far off in the distance.

"Doesn't seem to be much action here sir," said another guardsman by the name of private Archie.

"Rebels could be hiding anywhere soldier, we must be alert at all times. It is our duty to sniff them out and annihilate them."

The full force of men had arrived at the fortified wall.

"So what do we do from here sir?" asked private Archie. The luitenant had just opened his mouth to produce an answer when a guardsman hollered out, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SIR!!!!?????" The guardsman stood pointing his finger in the air. The luitenant turned to look at whatever the guardsman was pointing at and yes indeed, there was something flying up there.

"Could be a bird sir," said private, not sounding entirely sure of himself. The luitenant said nothing in reply, he was utterly transfixed whatever was up there. Alarmingly, it seemed to be haeding towards his men.

"Be prepared men!" ordered the luitenant. The guardsmen all had there las-guns at the ready.

"Erm, actually...s..s.sir, it's a bit big for a bird sir!" stuttered private Archie, struggling with his words. As the beast came into view, the luitenant's worst fears were confirmed. This was no bird, nor was it any natural creature. It was a foul and horrifying deamon of Chaos. The luitenant almsot screamed. He could see every minute datail of the beast; it's wolf like head, bat like wings, goat hooves and massive limbs carrying a giant axe and a whip. It was at least 4 metres tall.

The guardsmen were petrified, but somehow managed to stand still. They were trembling with uncontrolable fear. It was just before the beast appeared that figures started appearing from piles of rubble in the battlefield in front of the guardsmen. They wore ornate armour and carried vicious chain swords and bolt pistols. They were Khorne bezerkers, the frenzied warriors of Khorne, the blood god. They went unnoticed since all eyes were upon the massive beast ready to pounce.

"FIRE!!!"shrieked the luitenant. The guardsmen were trembling so much that there shooting was very innacurate and any shots that did hit had little effect on the deamon and it was soon upon them. It was at this point that the Khorne Bezerkers began their frenzied charge, screaming, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!" Even the autocannons had little effect upon the beast. This was too much for the guardsmen and they ran off in all directions, howling in terror. The deamon grabbed the autocannon gunner and tore him limb from limb before he could flee.

The luitenant stayed put and screamed abuse at his men for being such cowards. The bloodthirster towered above him and with one might blow from it's axe, it simutaneously decapitated and cut the luitenant in two. The Bezerkers chased the fleeing guardsmen and cut them down bruttaly with ease. Private Archie had tripped over and looked back at the monster, screaming pitifully at the top of his voice. The deamon brought it's axe down on him with such force that limbs, entrails and bone fragments spirraled across the battlefield and only two legs remained. The slaughter had been quick and easy for Khorne's warriors. They howled with blood lust and the thirst had not yet been quenched. Many others of the emperors finest would fall to their blades yet before the day was out.