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[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]

Transmitted:  Magos Biologis Research Station: Denebar
Received:  Nallisea III
Date: 8641999.M41
Astropath: Prime Estellis
Ref: INQ.XB.13061/N
Collated by: Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar

Necrontyr Scarabs

My Lord,

This report is to inform you of the many different forms of Scarabs used by the Necrontyr.  All of them have a similar outer shell, but perform separate and unique functions.  The term 'Scarab', which we have been using to describe these drones, was first used by the Heliopolian XXI in the raid at Sistent.  The origin of this term is quite interesting.  The Heliopolians have a belief that when they die, small creatures known as Scarabs will aid them in their ascent to paradise where they will be with the Emperor.  They have molded jewelry and small trinkets in the image of these Scarabs, and wear them in the hopes that their Scarabs will watch over them in life as well as death.  These creatures are similar in appearance to the Necrontyr drones, and as the drones seemed to be protecting the Necrons the Heliopolians decided they too were Scarabs.  The name was included in the reports of the raid on Sistent and has been used since then.

All Scarabs have some common traits.  They all contain a sensory and a communications package, allowing them to collect information, send it and receive orders.  They also have six legs that allow them to attach to a person or object.  All Scarabs use an advanced anti-gravity system coupled with a pair of 'wings' for motion.  Scarabs are rather simple constructs, but they are still autonomous enough to determine where they are needed most and what targets are most dangerous to the Necron force.

The first type of Scarab I will discuss is dubbed the Disruptor Scarab.  Using a more powerful disruption system than that found in several of the more advanced Necrons, these drones are able to disrupt the sub-atomic cohesion of sensory fields and beams at a range of up to 200m.  This ensures that the Scarab is well out of harm's way while still doing its duty.  The drones are also equipped with a very powerful electromagnetic burst device, allowing them to emit a high-density EMP that will instantly cause all technological devices within range to cease functioning.  Later studies of affected equipment have shown a high level of damage, damaging most internal compartments beyond repair.  This EMP is also able to completely wipe computer software and any data stored on a device that is affected.

The next type of Scarab is the 'common' Explosive Scarab (ref. 'Suicide Scarabs'/'Death Beetles').  We have not yet been able to acquire one of these drones whole, but have been able to find fragments of them left after they have exploded.  All of our data has been pieced together by recordings taken during battles, reports filed, eyewitness accounts, the limited debris we have collected, and a certain amount of conjecture.  These drones carry a device similar in function to that used by the Staff of Light.  Once a drone attaches itself to its target, it draws in massive amounts of energy from the molecules surrounding it, which often has a devastating effect itself on the target.  The device contained within then unleashes the energy in a contained blast, obliterating both the Scarab and its target.

Metal-Eater Scarabs are a rarely seen, though very dangerous, class of Scarabs.  They are equipped with 'jaws' allowing them to 'eat' metal at an astonishing rate.  This has caused a great deal of consternation among our loyal tank crews, as the effects of a Metal-Eater can be quite destructive.  The Scarab is exposing the crew inside to enemy fire, but this is not the only danger.  There have been many recorded instances of one of these drones chewing its way through a tank's armour, only to arrive at its fuel cells or ammunition storage compartments, whereupon its eating sets off a massive explosion, destroying the tank and those inside, as well as the Scarab.  There is also a certain amount of trepidation regarding these drones' effect on transports, and that fear is not misplaced.  In one incident on Prehens II a Metal-Eater chewed its way through the side armour of a Rhino, then caused havoc once inside.  The passengers, a squad of Space Marines from the Mortificators chapter, were forced to deal with the intruder using very 'unconventional' methods.  This resulted in the mutilation of one Space Marine, the loss of an arm for another, and the destruction of three Gryphonne-pattern boltguns, as well some heavy damage to the passenger compartment of the Rhino.

The Cloak Scarabs are an astonishing form of Scarab.  They are slightly smaller than other Scarabs, yet they contain a large cloaking device within.   This device allows the Scarab to cloak itself and anything it is attached to.   This is a wonderful defense for the Necrons, as it is well known that you cannot harm that which you cannot see.  The cloaking effects only last as long as the Scarab is attached to an object.  Once it detaches, it can seek something else to cloak.   This allows many Necrontyr warriors to be protected for short periods of time during a battle.  A dozen of these drones can cause troops facing a Necron force to become disoriented, as Necrons keep disappearing and reappearing, with Scarabs flying in amongst them.  Such a thing happened during the assault on Uton I, and resulted in the loss of several hundred lives.

Repair Scarabs are rarely seen, yet are very effective in aiding the Necrontyr forces when they are.  These drones are capable of producing greater electron resonance fields than many of the more advanced Necrons, significantly accelerating the rate of repair for any nearby damaged Necrons.  With their ability to move quickly around the battlefield, these drones are able to keep a Necron army moving at full-speed, even with warriors dropping to enemy fire.  I cannot say for certain whether they contain the required software to download to damaged warriors, but they do seem to contain a device similar to that used by other Necrons for such a task.

Reconnaissance Scarabs (hereafter 'Recon Scarabs') are, currently, a theory based on a lot of speculation.  Reports have reached my desk that suggest sightings of Scarabs shortly before many Necron assaults.  I am at a loss to find any reason for this other than the existence of a class of Scarabs equipped for use in scouting out possible locations for a Harvest.  Obviously these drones will have sophisticated sensory, recording, and communications equipment, so that they can study a location, record information, and then transmit what they have found out to the main force of Necrons.  However, as stated, this is based very much on supposition, as we have yet to capture a Recon Scarab, whole or otherwise.

The last Scarabs I will include in this report are termed Research Scarabs.  These Scarabs are equipped with a miniature teleportation device that is more than sufficient to teleport a Scarab out of a battle.  These drones find a target and attach themselves to it as other Scarabs do.  Once attached, the drone burrows a small hole into its target, then inserts a small device similar to our own teleport homers.  The drone then utilizes its teleportation device to teleport itself and its target out of the battle.  Reports indicate that Research Scarabs have been used on technological devices as well as persons.  It is unknown what exactly is done with the collected devices/persons, but I believe they are being studied to determine the exact level of technology and evolution that the species 'collected' has achieved.

These are the only types of Scarab known to myself at this time. I must thank TechAdepts Covis and Storry for their aid in collating this data. If I learn of other Scarabs, I will attach an addendum to this report containing details of them.


ADDENDUM I (8646999.M41)
Additional Uses of Reconnaissance Scarabs

A report sent to me by TechAdept Reed has informed me of additional uses of the Recon Scarabs.  In five recent skirmishes with Necrons, Recon Scarabs have been observed on the outskirts of the battle.  Their behavior and position has suggested that Recon Scarabs are used not only to collect data before a battle, but also to record information during a battle so that it may later be studied and analyzed by the Necrontyr.  Such actions indicate that the Necrontyr are studying us in many ways, collecting information and samples and learning what they can about their foes.


ADDENDUM II (8652999.M41)
Assault Scarabs

I have been sent holos and reports concerning a new form of Scarab seen in action during the raid on Lazern.  These Scarabs are similar to the others in appearance and locomotive power, but they perform a more aggressive function.   The drones do not have a normal front pair of legs.  Instead, these legs are equipped with reinforced blades.  Assault Scarabs attach themselves to a target individual in the same manner as other Scarabs.  They then begin rapidly thrusting their forward legs into the individual, often slicing straight through the victim's armour and puncturing many of their internal organs.  Such an assault is most often deadly, and always horrendously mutilates those assaulted.


ADDENDUM III (8654999.M41)
Metal-Eater Scarabs and Electron-Resonance Fields

I have recently learned more about the Metal-Eater Scarabs and how they function.  It appears their jaws are not as strong as I once believed.   Metal-Eater Scarabs have project an electron-resonance field with a radius of 3m.   Within this range, matter is disrupted and its molecular bonds weakened severely, if only temporarily.  Once a Metal-Eater moves away from an object, its molecules will no longer be affected and will return to their original state.

The end result of this field is that a Metal-Eater's target will be sufficiently weakened for it to be able to eat its way through.  With the metal of a tank's hull becoming so brittle, it is easy for the Scarab to break it apart and collect samples in the 'eating' process.

This effect is not limited to tanks or bunkers, the preferred target for Metal-Eaters.  It also affects biological matter.  This can cause nausea and severe disorientation to someone who stands too close.  It has also been shown to do a small amount of brain damage.  Victims of the field's effects have on occasion also suffered from blood loss through a most peculiar manner, as well as severe internal hemorrhaging.


ADDENDUM IV (8727999.M41)
Tomb Spiders

As you have seen in recent battlefield holos, one of the advanced drones now being employed by the Necrontyr is the Tomb Spider (so named by a Cadian soldier who barely escaped a botched attempt to study a Necrontyr pyramid). This drone is fairly unique in its purpose, if not its form. The Tomb Spider's purpose is to carry into battle several Scarabs, keeping them within its armoured womb until their own functions are required, then releasing them. The Scarabs detach themselves from the Tomb Spider, then proceed to use their antigrav engines to get them where they are most needed. This is a rather effective means of deploying scarabs. As should be obvious, it is recommended that Tomb Spiders are destroyed wherever they are seen.

Your obedient servant,
Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar