"Sneaky Gitz?"

By Henrik H. Laursen

(Sound of leaves rustling, weapons clattering, farting and empty beercans being crushed.)

Grugg: Hey, yu stop dat.

Thrugg: wot iz it now, I waz doing nuffin'!

Grugg: yu woz makin' a noise wif da bolta!

Thrugg: (Indignantly) I woz not!

Whack, Whack (Thick skulls being whacked)

Sarjent: Yu keep quiet, we are infiltradin da humies'!

Grugg and Thrugg: Yah, Sarj'.

(A voice from afar) Imperial Guardsman: Is that You, Pete?

Grugg and Thrugg(shouts): Nah iz nobuddy!

Sarjent(Grinding teeth): Noo, yu just didn't did dat!

Imperial Guardsman: Don't do Your silly Gretchin act again, Your'e supposed to go on duty now.

Grugg: Wot did da humie say?

Thrugg: He jus' say You a grot, harh harh!

Grugg: Him did dat, I go tell da humie difference with mighty foot of Gork.

Sarjent: No, nuffin of da kind, we are infiltradin, remember?

Grugg: A slight whack on da 'ead then?

Sarjent: No, he will alarm da others!

Grugg: A small clipping around da ear, then?

Sarjent: Only one get clipped around ear, an' dat iz You! (Sound of Orky ear being clipped)

Grugg: Ow! Dat 'urt.

Sarjent: Dat teach You to be silent, ok!

Grugg: Yah, but Thrugg iz makin' a face at me, can I 'it 'im?

Sarjent: (Sighs)NO!

It was a long night until dawn for the Ork Sarjent..........