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  Star Wars

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[Being a collection of additional rules for Warhammer 40,000]


Structure Points

Super-Heavy vehicles, Scout Titans, Titans and Leviathans are so large that they can absorb damage that would destroy another vehicle. To represent this they must be given two or more structure points, which equate roughly to wounds for other models. Basically, the more structure points a vehicle has, the bigger it is. Super Heavy vehicles and Scout Titans can have a maximum of 3 structure points, while Titans and Leviathans must have four or more.



Agile Vehicles

Agile vehicles are quite fast and maneuverable, but don't have the straight-line speed of a fast vehicle. They can move up to 6" and fire all weapons, or up to 12" and fire one. They can turn freely as they move, like most other vehicles.

Lumbering Vehicles

Lumbering vehicles grind along at a slow and steady pace. These vehicles can move up to 6" a turn.
They must always move straight ahead, but can pivot by up to 90 degrees at the end of the move.
Lumbering vehicles can fire all of their weapons even if they move.


Weapon Options

Any weapons can be twin-linked if desired.

Weapons put in a gatling mount allows them to take D3 shots for each shot they would normally fire (i.e. a Gatling Heavy Bolter would get 3D3 shots per attack). Weapons with a template must place additional templates touching the first using the rules for mortars and other guess range weapons.

Weapons fitted to Super-Heavy vehicles, Scout Titans, Titans and Leviathans  upgraded to 'mega' weapons cause you to roll twice to wound or penetrate the armour of each target they hit, and can cause wounds or damage with both rolls.

Volcano Cannon

This is a new type of Ordnance. Hits on a 2+ if stationary, 6+ if vehicle moved at all (even turning in place). Rng 48", S10, AP1. Roll 2D6 on damage table vs vehicles, and pick which dice to use.



Eldar Force Fields: Eldar vehicles can have force fields, which provide a 4+ invulnerable save against any glancing or penetrating hits. Fields don't work against close combat attacks.

Imperial Void Field: Imperial Void Fields absorb the damage from one glancing or penetrating hit and then go down. The Imperial player can roll to repair damaged void fields at the start of each of his turns. Roll 1D6 per field, and it comes back on line on a roll of 6+.

Ork Power Fields: These work in the same way as Void Fields, but can't be repaired.



Scout Titans, Super Heavy Vehicles, Titans, and Leviathans are collectively known as War Machines. The following special rules apply to them.

Structure Points

All War Machines have structure points as described above.

Tank Shock and War Machine Assaults

Enemy infantry must test at -1 to their Ld if they are Tank Shocked by a War Machine.

War Machines that are walkers can tank shock an enemy in the movement phase, but in this case if the enemy pass the morale check then the Walker moves into contact with the enemy unit and must fight a close combat against it in the assault phase. This is the only way that War Machine sized walkers can enter close combat. Being in close combat does not stop the walker shooting, and it may fire at the unit it is assaulting if desired.


War machines may fire Ordnance and still fire other weapons. They may fire Ordnance even if they move.


War machines can engage more than one target unit if desired. Instead of picking a target for the War Machine, pick a target for each weapon on the War Machine.

Titan Close Combat Weapons

Titan close combat weapons give the Titan a strength of 10 against other War Machines. Any glancing or penetrating hit causes an additional D3 structure points of damage against an opponent, in addition to any damage rolled on the damage table.


War Machine Damage Tables

Roll on the following tables for glancing and penetrating hits on a War Machine. Ordnance rolls on these tables, not the Ordnance damage tables.


Glancing Hits

1 Gun Crew Shaken: One weapon may not shoot next turn (chosen by opponent)
2 Gun Crew Shaken: One weapon may not shoot next turn (chosen by opponent)
3 Driver Stunned: May not move next turn (skimmers drift D6" straight ahead)
4 Engines Damaged: Knock D3" off the vehicles move (vehicles reduced to a move of '0' are immobilised, skimmers destroyed).
5 Weapon Destroyed: One weapon chosen by opponent
6 Major Damage: Loose one structure point and roll again on this table. If reduced to '0' damage points then roll on the Catastrophic Damage table below.

Penetrating Hits

1 Driver Stunned: May not move next turn.
2 Engines Damaged: Knock D3" off the vehicles move (vehicles reduced to a move of '0' are immobilised, skimmers destroyed).
3 Weapon Destroyed: One weapon chosen by opponent
4 Major Damage: Loose one structure point and roll again on the Glancing Hit table. If reduced to '0' damage points then roll on the Catastrophic Damage table below.
5 Major Damage: Loose one structure point and roll again on the Glancing Hit table. If reduced to '0' damage points then roll on the Catastrophic Damage table below.
6 Chain Reaction: Loose one structure point and roll again on this table. If reduced to '0' damage points then roll on the Catastrophic Damage table below.


Catastrophic Damage Table

1 Damage Control: The player controling the vehicle must take a Ld test for it (use the 'standard' Ld for the army, i.e. 8 for Space Marines, 7 for Orks, etc). If the test is passed then the damage control systems on the War Machine have contained the damage, and 1 structure point is 'repaired'. If the test is failed your opponent must roll again on this table (which may give you another damage control test, if you're lucky!).
2 Destroyed: The vehicle is wrecked. Walkers collapse and others in a random direction (models in the way leap aside automatically). Mark the destroyed vehicle with cotton wool or remove it entirely.
4-5 Explosion: Models within D6" suffer one wound on a D6 roll of 4+ (saving throws allowed). Vehicles are unaffected. Otherwise, as above.
6 Huge Explosion: The vehicle is vaporised in a huge explosion. Roll 1D3 per original structure point to determine radius of explosion. Models in range suffer a wound on a roll of 4+ (saving throws allowed). Vehicles suffer a glancing hit on a roll of 4+.