The Greatest Battle Ever, Mark II

by Peter Andrew Siekierski (

Things were normal on Earth that day. The Emperor sat in his Golden Throne, pleased with the news of the liberation of Ichar IV by legions of Mk VII Space Marines and new improved Imperial Guardsmen. But high above the Earth, a sinister storm was gathering...

They had travelled far to Earth. From a million worlds they came, united under a common purpose: to take back what was once rightfully theirs. Leman Russ petted his twin wolves as he spoke:

"My brothers, the time has come. With the new improved Tyranid hordes draining his once mighty resources, the Emperor is now at his weakest."

Lord MacCragge, seated on his long discontinued throne, spoke next:

"My forces stand ready, my brother. Legions of Mark VI Space Marines await my bidding. There will be much blood shed today."

The Lieutenant Commanders whispered amongst themselves. They had not been heard from since the days before the boxed set, but it was known that some had defected to the Emperor's cause and been recast in pewter and demoted to heroes.

"What of the Titan Legions, m'lord?" asked a Space Marine Lieutenant.

"The Council of Disctontinued Princeps assures me that our Warlords out number them six to one," said the Great Wolflord. "Made of plastic as they are, they are much cheaper and easier to construct than the new pewter titans of the loyalists."

The leader of the assembled Pirates spoke next.

"What of the Imperators, m'lord? Surely we can not match their firepower."

"Ah, but we can, my friend. Do not forget that we have the might of many Spacefleets with us. They have not forgotten the Emperor's betrayal," said Lord MacCragge.

The attack began at dawn. Without warning, thunderous blasts of fire rained from the sky as the long forgotten Spacefleets of the Eldar and the Imperium rained destruction of the Imperial Palace and its Imperator guardians.

Loyal Warlord titans rose to their feet, only to be met with six times their number in rebel titans.Legions of Imperial Guardsmen armed with boltguns marched toward the unbreachable walls of the Imperial palace as M14 Bullock Jet-Cycles raced overhead. Ork Tinboyz and Imperial Robots blasted the palace's defenders with autocannons and lascannons, while detachments of Sentinels stode ahead, clearing out stragglers with their deadly multi-lasers.

Meanwhile, from the rear of the palace, a huge flotilla of wooden and ironclad sailing ships disgorged their deadly cargoes. From the Black Ark of Naggaroth came crazed dark elves, angered at the Emperor's decision to cancel their ships' production. Bretonian Corsairs and Norse Longships poured forth sailors and bondsmen eager for a bloody revenge. Ship after ship arrived, every crewman intent on destroying those who would cancel Man o' War.

Russ consorted with the other leaders. Soon, it was rumored, the mighty armies of the fantasy battle world would join their cause after the last elf book was written. "We can not wait for them, my brothers," sighed Russ. He too was no longer available in pewter, and knew the pain that they would face. With the roar of its mighty engines and the creaking of its tracks, the Capitol Imperialis rolled forward, lobbing huge shells at the defenders. Unsupported by Land Raiders (they were no longer manufactured here), the badly outnumbered and overpriced defenders fell back. Swarms of Imperial Guard Landspeeders flew into the courtyard as the last of the defending titans fell. The inner sanctum's ground broke as scores of Hellbore Moles, ancient digging machines no longer available to the loyalists, unloaded their cargoes.

The Adeptus Custodes, once the sworn guardians of the Emperor, peacefully opened the gates for their attackers. "Did you know we were once cast in lead, too?" they chanted in Latin. Swarms of Imperial Beastmen Platoons tore at the loyalists in savage close combat. The Blood Bowl teams of a thousand forgotten lands charged in, tackling and beating their way into the throne room, where they were joined by scavs and bounty hunters from countless discontinued blister packs.

The Emperor looked down in shame. So finely crafted they were, the lot of them. Blood Bowlers, Chaos Squats, even his own Adeptus Mechanicus were among the rabble. Cheaply and widely available Ork Battlewagons from days past carried allied mobs of Imperial Guard Assault Troops, Hive Gangs, and alien Zoats. He looked with disgust upon the foul Blood Slaughterers, Chaos Robots of Khorne, and felt relieved that he would never have to deal with them again. Perhaps they might be worth saving he thought. His mind wandered back to the days when not all Rough Riders were from Attila, and Sentinel War Walkers were still available. He remembered the loyal beastmen platoons, and the human bombs who died so thoughtlessly in his name, and a tear streaked down his withered face.

"NO!" he cried, sending psychic shockwaves through the Mark VI Librarians assembled before him. "Begone from my presence, men of lead. Your time is past."

With a broad wave of his wizened hand, the defenders were changed. Ancient plastic Titans, who had once fought for him crumbled, replaced by smaller but more expensive pewter Knight Households. Imperial uniforms and photochrome visors gave way, becoming instead the sharp dress of Mordia or the jungle greens of Catachan. Gone were the robots and support weapons of days past, and in their place stood expensive new tanks and heavy weapons teams. Chaos squats were no more, now there would be ridiculous hats and big teeth. The hive gangers and scavvies found themselves in a new game, no longer called Confrontation. But surely, it was better this way...

...and high above the Earth, Lord Maccragge found himself a new pair of gloves.

The End.

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